Build and upload firmware from source code with Arduino

Make library dependencies available to Arduino IDE

In the unzipped folder you should have just entered, double click the libraries folder and select all the folders within this folder and copy or move them to your Documents/Arduino/libraries folder for your user.

Reloading the RTX-1 Controller:

Open the folder you expanded. Enter the TXr folder. Double click the Txr.ino to open the Arduino IDE with the Lenzhound controllers source code. Be sure you have your Lenzhound properly connected and set up as instructed in the Downloads page linked above.
In the Arduino IDE click Sketch on the Menu Bar and click Upload.  This will compile the source code and upload it to your Lenzhound controller.
At the bottom of he Arduino IDE it will say Upload Complete when code has been successfully loaded.

Reloading the DB-1 Receiver/Motor Driver:

Open the folder you expanded. Enter the Rxr folder. Double click the RXr.ino to open the Arduino IDE with the Lenzhound controllers source code. Be sure you have your Lenzhound properly connected and set up as instructed in the Downloads page linked above.

In the Arduino IDE click Sketch on the Menu Bar and click Upload. This will compile the source code and upload it to your Lenzhound controller.

At the bottom of he Arduino IDE it will say Upload Complete when code has been successfully loaded.



If the Arduino IDE gives you errors unable to upload code successfully sometimes it is neccessarry to hold the reset button included on each unit. Please refer to the images below to see where the pinhole for pressing your reset button is located.

You will need to unfold a paper clip to be able to press the reset button.

Now that you've got your fancy paper clip reset button presser. Insert it into the pinhole as illustrated below and press the Upload menu item again and look at the bottom of the Arduino IDE for it to finish say Uploading... Now let go of the reset button.



Double click Txr.ino or Rxr.ino the launch the Arduino IDE (Rxr.ino selected shown here)
Select the board type as Arduino Leonardo.
Select the port for your board.
Click the upload button or select upload from the Sketch menu.
The Arduino IDE compiles and uploads the code, displays "Done uploading." if all was successful.