Console Settings
Both your Lenzhound controller and receiver unit are equipped with a USB based serial console. This provides access to settings options and allows fine tuning of your Lenzhound. Push the limits of your system and employ the Lenzhound for other applications such as iris/zoom control, moving heavier cinema lenses, or other camera movement situations such as sliders or time-lapse movement.
Lenzhound Settings Manager
The most expedient method of accessing the wireless channel, max speed, and acceleration settings is with the Lenzhound Settings Manager Java applet. This graphical interface is platform independent (requires Java Runtime Environment 7 or later) and utilizes a USB 2.0 connection to change settings for both the transmitter and receiver/motor unit.
Download the Lenzhound Settings Manager.
Connecting to the serial console
For direct access to the console and for installing firmware updates, the Arduino integrated development environment is required.
Mac / Linux / Windows
1. Download the Official Arduino IDE ( 1.6.x) and install.
2. Connect your Lenzhound's miniUSB port to your computers USB port.
3. Open the Arduino software.
4. In the Menu Bar click Tools. Then hover your mouse over Port. For Mac/Linux your device will be called something like "/dev/tty.usbmodemfa****" and on Windows it will be called "COM*" where the *astrisk is a number.
5. In the Menu Bar click Tools and then Serial Monitor or click the Serial Monitor icon in the IDE interface. Please wait at least 8 seconds after plugging in your board before opening the Serial Monitor to allow the system to complete the start up process.
This will bring up your console window. Continue below for a list of available commands and their descriptions.
Console Commands and Settings
To see a list of available commands type: 0;
Press enter or click the Send button. (Take note of the semi-colon after the number. All commands MUST be terminated with a semi-colon)
The command list output for the DB-1:
To change a console value, type the command number followed by a comma followed by the new parameter value followed by a semicolon. For example, the sequence to change the max acceleration to 20,000 would be 2,20000:
Press enter or click the Send button. (Take note of the semi-colon after the number. All commands MUST be terminated with a semi-colon)
Controller Commands / Settings
Available commands
0; - This command list
4,<channel>; - Set Channel Num (1-81)
5,<PA level>; - Set Power Amp Level (0=-18; 1=-12; 2=-6; 3=0)[dBm]
6,<data rate>; - Set Data Rate (0=.250; 1=1; 2=2)[Mbps]
Reciever Commands / Settings
Available commands
0; - This command list
1,<max velocity>; - Set Max Velocity
2,<acceleration>; - Set Acceleration
3,<antenna>; - Set Antenna (0=integrated; 1=remote)
4,<channel>; - Set Channel Num (1-81)
5,<PA level>; - Set Power Amp Level (0=-18; 1=-12; 2=-6; 3=0)[dBm]
6,<data rate>; - Set Data Rate (0=.250; 1=1; 2=2)[Mbps]
7,<zmode max velocity>; - Set ZMode Max Velocity
8,<zmode acceleration>; - Set ZMode Acceleration