Lenzhound Leash Desktop Software
1. Download
Get the latest release for your operating system.
2. Install
Mac OS 10.11+ |
Windows 7 (64-bit) or later |
3. Launch
Double click the Lenzhound Leash application to run.
Once the Lenzhound Leash has launched, connect either your RTX-1 controller or DB-1 motor receiver. Be sure to only connect one at a time.
The desktop software will prompt you to upgrade if an outdated system firmware version is detected. If you are running v1 firmware, upgrading is required before using this application. Be sure to select the correct device when updating.
If you have your RTX-1 controller connected, click UPLOAD TRANSMITTER FIRMWARE. If the DB-1 is connected, click UPLOAD RECEIVER FIRMWARE.![Screen_controller-settings.jpg](https://www.motiondogs.com/img/cms/loading-firmware-arduino/Screen_controller-settings.jpg)
Configure controller profiles.
Configure motor settings.
Toggle between 3XT and original motor driver.
Revert back to legacy-v1 firmware. (On Windows press ALT to reveal menu).
All systems purchased after 11/15/17 are shipped with v2 firmware.
V1 (Legacy)
Legacy firmware and settings utility. Systems shipped prior to 11/15/17 contained v1 firmware.